Friday, May 29, 2009

One WIP Completed

Well, I have worked this week trying to finish up a couple of projects before Miss Josie Clare arrives. The first quilt is made from squares Josie Clare's grandmother, Charlotte, cut before her death. Charlotte was a beautiful lady who had a form of dementia and died at age 57. The original blocks were 9 patches. I cut the 9 patches to make a Disappearing 9 Patch. The quilt measures 58 X 58. I am not sure about the light border but I searched hours for some material to match and could not find anything I liked.

This next quilt is a coin quilt that I have seen on lots of blogs, and I have wanted to make one. SO--here it is. I am not finished with binding so will show the final quilt when completed.

Next, I want to show off a gift I received from a friend, Frances. She crocheted a beautiful table topper. I just love it and will treasure it.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Rainy Saturday--Well, I thought today had been a slow day until I realized what I have accomplished. I have washed three loads of clothes, planned Sunday dinner, went grocery shopping, printed bulletins and prayer sheets for church, took Mother her gallon of milk, fixed some delicious Sloppy Joes for lunch, cooked chicken spaghetti for Sunday, and made a Southern Praline Cake. So I have done a few things for a rainy day.

Menus/Meals--Would anyone like help planning menus? Recently I have been following a blog who has a 30-day Meal Plan. I like her plan and also her Excel worksheet where she has created a organized list to help with planning and shopping. Well, my niece recently spoke to a group of busy mothers and gave them a four-week meal plan. This should help us with our menus when we are wondering what to cook.

Projects--I have been working on two quilts this week and also the bag pictured. Find the tutorial on Moda Bake. I made the bag for Jaime, my daughter-in-law, who will give birth to Josie Clare in two weeks. The material for the bag belonged to her mother who passed away a few years ago. Jaime then ordered two more to be made for her sisters.

In a few days I will post a quilt made from the same material.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday Boating Trip

This is my precious grandson with his new haircut. He loves a boat and fishing with his dad and granddad. Granddaddy took this picture with his phone.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

We had a lovely day with my mother and mother-in-law. In fact, there were 8 mothers at my dinner table. How blessed we are!!

Here is a picture of my sweet granddaughter, Maggie, and her quilt. I cannot wait until their visit in July.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Strip Quilt

My wonderful husband just returned from a business trip to Laramie, Wyoming. Would you believe he stopped in a couple of quilt shops? He bought me the quilt material below. I wanted to show the material off. He said this was our quilt and not to give it away. I am including a small picture of the quilt I will be making. A lady at the Snowy River Quilts designed the quilt. It is a "strip" quilt.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Show and Tell

Well, my quilting week is over and, as usual, I did not get all I wanted to do completed. BUT here is what I finished.

First, I needed to complete a prayer quilt. I have not tied the quilt yet, but will get that done this week to be presented to church next Sunday for prayers and tieing of knots. (Prayers and Squares). By the way, I used a package of 20 ten inch squares. I had to add a few cream colored blocks to make the quilt about 45 by 55. The next problem is I could not find material that suited me for the binding--so--I binded with black. I was not happy about this. My stash is small and I spent two hours in the quilt shop trying to match material to the quilt. I thought I had the right binding but when I got into the sunlight, the color just did not work.

Want to see my quilting? I am limited in quilting but am practicing and kind of like the results.

Now, I have also completed my granddaughter's quilt and got it in the mail. Here are a couple of pictures plus a picture of my quilting. I quilted this using my Bernina setting #4 and really liked the results.