Tuesday, May 12, 2020

May 11 2020

This "Shelter in Place" has been about 9 weeks. What on earth have we been doing. Well, my husband, Sonny, has fished and worked on different projects. He has a deer camp where he can escape and a screened back porch, a pier, and a lake. He loves to keep up with his church cell group, church friends, and other friends via texting and telephone calls.

I have made lots of facemasks and scrub hats. I have kept busy in my quilt room/studio.

Just for my record and to look back and remember. Below are photos of just a few facemasks I have made. I have made different styles. I have made masks with and without pleats and with elastic, regular ties, and t-shirt ties. I have tried many different techniques. Thought I may be through making masks, but my maids who come every two weeks did not have masks this morning so I told her I would make them some. I am one of those quilters who have a readymade stash of fabric.

These are a few of the scrub hats I made. These particular scrub masks were cut out by ladies at my niece's church. All I had to do was sew them together. That was so nice. I tried different ways to make men and ladies scrub hats. Some I made with my serger and some with my sewing machine. The ladies scrub hats were so much cuter! 

Below--These cute rug mugs are "in the hoop" mug rugs. I think I have made 19 rug mugs to give as a happy for Mother's Day. I love "in the hoop" anything except the facemask. The FaceMasks were too small for an adult. Have a new Cricut Maker and will try cutting out with their pattern. All this is so fun for me. The Cricut was not what I wanted. I have elastic and that is what I used. I cut them out and have made 8 today.

I am the oldest person in my church, but I teach Ages 3-5 Sunday School. I make lessons for them each week and send via GroupMe. With the help of my wonderful husband, we have made a few videos. Oh, and I even have my own BitMoji which greets you with this post. How cool is that! Our lives are full with many blessings. We give thanks to our Lord each and every day--many times.