Thursday, June 17, 2021

June 17, 2021

 From this morning meditation -- 2 Corinthians 4:7

"Treasure is kept in clay jars. In the same way, we have the treasure of the good news in these earthly bodies of ours. That shows that the mighty power of the good news comes from God. It doesn't come from us." NIV

Archaeologists have found treasures of silver in cheap clay jars. Clay pots and jars were common in the Bible times, and thousands were made. But they were sometimes used to store valuable and previous things. We are God's clay pots "holding an unspeakable great treasure." (David Guzik)

Sharing Time

The quilt below was made for my new great niece Kylie Joy V. She is so adorable and has so much love around her. In case you do not notice, this is a Mississippi State Bulldog family. 


Hubby holding quilt


Visit from Michigan grands and friends. The temperature was even chilly for Michigan grands. They each grabbed a quilt to enjoy the back porch. A couple of the quilts were made by Sonny's grandmother out of clothing scraps. I called them "ugly" quilts but once quilted are the most cuddly of any quilt I have made. The one in the foreground is made by me and one of my favorite patterns. The second photo was a mystery quilt I made. Oh how I loved seeing them wrapped in these quilts.

This last photo is fun--a cartoon of me which made me smile. I dislike photos of myself and rarely will you find a photo me. 

Have a nice day! May God bless anyone viewing this blog showing snippets of my quilts and life.