Saturday, December 28, 2019

T-Shirt Quilt

Since it is after Christmas, I can post this T-Shirt Quilt.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

December Post #2

This is one of my Christmas Quilts. I just love it. I like scrappy. I have been under the weather and have not been able to find a place to take a photo of this large quilt. So I placed it on my dining table. That was fun!
I love the pink tones in this photo. 

December Quilting #1

Here is a quilt I finished for my “baby brother”. He retired from Mississippi Stay University after working there over 30 years. This was his retirement gift. Hope he has many years of retirement and never gets bored—which he won't. We are one of those families who know how to keep busy during retirement. We do not know the word bored.

The colors for MSU are maroon and white so I put some maroon squares in the quilt. It is not fancy because I want him to use it and enjoy it.

I did not get many photos of it.

Natalia Bonner Quilting

I had the honor of taking quilting classes with Natalia. I was an awful student and hope she would never remember me. However, she began in July quilting one block a day for one year. I made my own quilt to work with. You will really need almost 7 quilt tops. I honestly am going to begin back working on the rest of the blocks. I could not believe how much better I became but also more confident. I plan to do all the blocks. I am posting the finished quilt and a few of the blocks. It is sooooo much fun!!!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Busy Week

I have had a couple of busy weeks. Here is a quilt I made for Gabby my Granddaughter. She is going to Ole Miss this semester and hope she enjoys the quilt. The girls' colors are pink, gray, and white.

The quilt is about 67" by 75".

Next is a project I have been working on. I made the rope bowl and think I will make more. I kinda made a mess with the first one by will do better next time.

I hand embroidered some of the little pillows and some I machine embroidered. Aren't they cute!

Friday, May 10, 2019

Blue Quilt

The Blue Quilt

The blocks in this quilt were dyed using a Japanese technique called Shibori. My granddaughter, Hannah, tried the process under the direction of her aunt who is an art teacher. We were preparing the quilt to be auctioned for Hannah's trip to Spain but I did not finish it in time. Now Hannah, Aunt Jaime, and Grammy want the quilt. I may be making more like this.

The quilting stressed me and after ripping out three rows of quilting, I chose to quilt with a blue thread and quilt a meander.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Theo's Quilt

Oops! This quilt was delivered a year after my nephew's birth. Shame on me. We have moved in the last year and life has been busy. 

This quilt was made for Theo with his dad and granddad in mine. His granddad loves to fish and hunt in the swamps of Louisiana. The dad loves sports. So I tried to honor each dad -- dad and granddad. It was made from a pattern I purchased a few years ago. I cut out the objects and added fusible web and then machine appliqued to quilt top. I added a machine embroidery alligator and an Ohio State emblem. It was a fun quilt. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Another Quilt from the past year

I just found this photo and wanted to post on the blog just for the record. This is my first Sunbonnet Sue Baby quilt. She is so adorable.
See October Post

Thursday, February 7, 2019


Just wanted to share a picture of my precious great niece on her quilt. Made fall of 2018.