Sunday, July 24, 2011

Women of the Bible Eve

Since January I have been in an online Bible Study Women of the Bible. We study one women a week and make a 6" quilt block. I have loved the study but have been very challenged making the small blocks. There are very little instructions and I have struggled through each block and you can tell. I may need to make some blocks over but not yet.

I have had a very busy year and have not kept up with all the blocks, but hopefully I can catch up. I will posting a couple of blocks each day for a while. This will be my journal of my study.

The first block I completed is Eve. Right now, I will confess these are not perfect blocks, but nor were any of the women I have studied. Now that I say not perfect--the Garden of Eden was a perfect place with a perfect companion and a perfect relationship with God.  Perfect--until Eve throught she could have more. Eve means "Life-Giving".

Thought from Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler: Throughout scripture, God's grace is often most beautifully evident within his judgments.

A scripture: From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. John 1:16

This block is called Garden of Eden.

Oh, this week we are studying Jezebel--cannot wait to study her life and see how she fit in God's plan. 

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