My new furniture--Thought I would share my new piece of furniture--a marble top dresser. Actually, this piece was in my bedroom when I was a child. It belonged to my family and was the dresser that went with the bed my mother was born in. The dresser was given away to a needed family and just in the last few years returned to our family. Since my parents are now living in an assisted living home, I was the blessed recipient of this beautiful piece.

This china cabinet is filled with cut glass and crystal I also received. I had so much fun unpacking and placing it.
Every time I look at it, I will be reminded of my dear grandmother and how she loved her cut class and also how many times I dusted it as a child growing up.
1 comment:
Martha---What a beautiful piece of furniture! You can just feel the family history oozing from the dresser and from the lovely cut glass. You are so rich in family memories and so fortunate to be able to preserve your family history through the generations by sharing and caring for these wonderful pieces. All the sweet memories associated with your family's items are worth so much more than any amount of money that could ever be offered. Thanks for sharing with us. :-) Harr.
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