After spending much time cleaning out the home where I was raised and also, in the same house, my mother was raised, there are lots of wonderful memories. We have found lots of beautiful heirlooms. I found this video by Amy Grant and--at this time--is so beautiful to me. And, yes, my memories and my Savior are more than an heirloom to me.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
As earlier posted we have been dividing furniture from our childhood home. My grandmother had some beautiful pieces of furniture and I wanted to share some pictures.

This wardrobe was in my grandmother's bedroom. Her furniture came from Germany many years ago. We have always been told (and amazed) my grandfather moved all this furniture in the back of a small pickup truck from Auburn, Alabama to our home in Mississippi which is about four miles from the Mississippi River. My sister now has this wardrobe in her home. They had just finished putting it back together when this picture was taken--thus the reflection of the ladder chair.

The first was her bedroom suite. My sweet niece has it in her bedroom now. I know she will love and cherish it.

Friday, December 4, 2009
It's Snowing
It is snowing in south Mississippi. My son and family in Michigan would laugh. I went outside in the cold and made these pictures. The first is a picture of my outside Christmas tree. Looks small--it is 17 feet tall and brightens up my hill. My sweet husband made it for me. It was a challenge to put up; but when my grandson saw it, he was thrilled and just ran toward it smiling. Well, that made all the effort worth it.

Then we wrapped lights around our columns and banister on our front porch. Looking a little like Christmas around here. Next is the inside.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
My new furniture--Thought I would share my new piece of furniture--a marble top dresser. Actually, this piece was in my bedroom when I was a child. It belonged to my family and was the dresser that went with the bed my mother was born in. The dresser was given away to a needed family and just in the last few years returned to our family. Since my parents are now living in an assisted living home, I was the blessed recipient of this beautiful piece.
This china cabinet is filled with cut glass and crystal I also received. I had so much fun unpacking and placing it. Every time I look at it, I will be reminded of my dear grandmother and how she loved her cut class and also how many times I dusted it as a child growing up.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Christmas Table Topper
I finally completed my "simple" Christmas table topper. I had trouble quilting it because my machine would not cooperate. My husband helped me level the quilting frame, and the machine worked like a dream.
Oops! Give credit where credit is due -- this quilt was made from two Moda "Crazy Eights" charm pack and idea came from ModaBakeShop. For the white I am using a sheet from IKEA--which is another story. No IKEAs around Mississippi, but I found one in Atlanta. An IKEA store is a pretty amazing place.

Taking a picture of my quilts is a challenge. My favorite place to take a picture is my front porch. I like the sunshine.
Oops! Give credit where credit is due -- this quilt was made from two Moda "Crazy Eights" charm pack and idea came from ModaBakeShop. For the white I am using a sheet from IKEA--which is another story. No IKEAs around Mississippi, but I found one in Atlanta. An IKEA store is a pretty amazing place.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
My Latest Project
This is my latest project. Hope I enjoy my homemade purse. I really added lots of pockets and I think I will love that. This is an interesting bag because it has an removeable tote. That made the construction more time consumming. The verdict is still out on whether I will like this or not. I did learn quite a few things and hopefully if I do this again, it will be easier. The tote measures 12" x 10" x 5".

Friday, October 30, 2009
Oh, what a great day. I kept Josie Clare (4 months) and Jase (2) all day. They were so good and I had a wonderful time with them. My friend, Harriette, sent me a list of quotes and this one caught me . . . "Kids are like sponges. They absorb all your strength and leave you limp. Give'em a squeeze, and you get it all back."
I also have a new button on my blog--Company Girl. I have been seeing this on blog which I check every update. I knew Rachel Anne was special and today she introduced her neighbor and friend who is Priscilla Shirer. Wow! Priscilla has done Bible Study video series with Beth Moore and Kay Arthur. Rachel Anne will be blogging for Priscilla. How awesome!
Just one more sharing--the Lord showed us favor on something we have been praying about.
I also have a new button on my blog--Company Girl. I have been seeing this on blog which I check every update. I knew Rachel Anne was special and today she introduced her neighbor and friend who is Priscilla Shirer. Wow! Priscilla has done Bible Study video series with Beth Moore and Kay Arthur. Rachel Anne will be blogging for Priscilla. How awesome!
Just one more sharing--the Lord showed us favor on something we have been praying about.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Give Away
Jackie at Canton Village Quilt Works is having a great GiveAway and sharing her fortune of Moda fabric. Check her out at
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Our Trip
"Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, Thou art very great . . ." Psalm 104:1
Our mission team of 6 returned from Peru on Monday morning after rather difficult plane connections that caused us some stress...but we made it safe and sound.

Puppets . . . remember the puppets I made . . . how much fun! We had Bible School on a basketball court outside the orphanage and invited the neighborhood. On Saturday night we fed hot dogs to more than 200 people. God blessed us every step of the way.

Debbie and I were discussing the handmade scarfs.

This is a picture of me as I sit above the miraculous site of the Inca Bridge.
This is just a picture of the clothing of the Peruvian women.

Our mission team of 6 returned from Peru on Monday morning after rather difficult plane connections that caused us some stress...but we made it safe and sound.
Our trip is beyond description . . . we traveled over 9,000 miles by plane, bus, motor taxi, beat-up van, new van, train, small taxis, and foot. (How many Americans can you get in a taxi--not as many as Peruvians.) We saw some of the most beautiful sites in the whole world. The mountains were awesome but the people were more than awesome. The Peruvian people are such kind and loving ones.
Our mission team visited the orphanages our small church has funded. Can you imagine entering an orphanage that you have never seen and 29 kids greet you with a hug, kiss, and I love you, Martha. . . with a Spanish accent in English? I have never experienced anything quite so marvelous.
Here is picture of the girls and boys in the girls' orphanage. The boys will have a new building within the next year. The girls' orphanage is named Talitha Koum meaning "Little girl Get Up". The boys' orphanage is named Elim meaning "Oasis".

We did get to do some traveling. One of my favorite things to see were the Peruvian women making their crafts. A scarf may take days to complete, and they sell them for just pennies. This is me examining the threads as this lady makes small weaved bracelets. See the awesome view she has as she works. The weather was perfect, too.

Debbie and I were discussing the handmade scarfs.

We then traveled to Machu Pichu. Here is a picture of my husband, Sonny, standing above the ruins.

And lastly--our "very reliable guide", Jack. We could not have made it without him.

Our trip was so wonderful. God is a Big God and bestowed blessings every step of the way.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Pillow Case
As I prepare for my trip to Peru someone said I would need to carry my own pillow. So I bought a small travel pillow and made me a pillow case for it--which I am sharing. I like it so much, I think I will make another one for me and one for Sonny. I have a cool tutorial which makes this so easy to make. I will try to create a picture tutorial to share.

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Getting Ready for Peru
Well, my parents are settled in an assisted living home. They are three hours away but I had a nice visit yesterday. They looked great. While there I went with Mom to a tie-dying workshop. I am not sure who had more fun--her or me. I thoroughly enjoyed being with all my mother's fellow residents. One delightful man named Ross was incrediable at remembering everyone's name. He called me "Maa-tha".

On Thursday and today I have worked on hand puppets to use on our mission trip to Peru. We plan to conduct a Bible School. This will be a challenge since none of us going speak Spanish. We will have our wonderful and faithful guide and interpreter, Jack.
Here are my puppets. I will let the children make the faces with glue on eyes or using fabric paint. The colors are navy, yellow, lime green, red, and green.

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Checking In
Just in case anyone checks my blog--I am very busy these days helping my parents' move to a retirement home. Most of my day is spent at their home.
They will be moving shortly and all of the children and friends hope they will be comfortable. I knew when I first caught sight of the retirement home that I would like it. The house is yellow with white trim and has a front porch with rocking chairs. (They love their porch and rocking chairs. This would be one thing they would have missed.) When entering the home, there is a golden retriever to greet you. Three meals a day prepared by a great chef would be a treat for anyone. Ice cream and coffee are available 24 hours a day. My parents will have their bed made daily, apartment cleaned weekly, and clothes washed and folded weekly. The "positive" list goes on forever. There are some "negatives" like leaving your home and friends, and family. (They have family and friends where they are moving.) My mother has lived in the same house since she was 2 minus 6 years of my early life. They are both being positive and will take a little Mississippi sunshine to their new Louisiana home.
Hopefully in a few weeks I can get back to my quilting. I have so many projects in the works. (My mother can check my blog and hopefully get a glimpse of some completed projects.) Until then, God bless you.
They will be moving shortly and all of the children and friends hope they will be comfortable. I knew when I first caught sight of the retirement home that I would like it. The house is yellow with white trim and has a front porch with rocking chairs. (They love their porch and rocking chairs. This would be one thing they would have missed.) When entering the home, there is a golden retriever to greet you. Three meals a day prepared by a great chef would be a treat for anyone. Ice cream and coffee are available 24 hours a day. My parents will have their bed made daily, apartment cleaned weekly, and clothes washed and folded weekly. The "positive" list goes on forever. There are some "negatives" like leaving your home and friends, and family. (They have family and friends where they are moving.) My mother has lived in the same house since she was 2 minus 6 years of my early life. They are both being positive and will take a little Mississippi sunshine to their new Louisiana home.
Hopefully in a few weeks I can get back to my quilting. I have so many projects in the works. (My mother can check my blog and hopefully get a glimpse of some completed projects.) Until then, God bless you.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Too Much Fun
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Blogs -- So Much Fun
Oh, how I wish I had time to play in my quilt shack! Each morning I check my favorite blogs to see what these ingenious ladies are doing. Now--I want to do all the crafts.
Look what I found this morning:
Make a designer hospital gown. Check this link, too at Skip to My Lou blog. How neat is that?
Make useful items out of ice cream cartons. Cool!
Look at this precious Memo Board. I am going to work on one of these soon.
Make your own Lick and Stick paper -- homemade stickers.
And then for an inspirational thought for the day, I love checking out Rachel Anne. What an uplifting blog!
I will think on these things as I sit on the lawn mower and cut grass--along with my thoughts and prayers of mission trip to Peru, crafts for children in Peru, parents transition into retirement home, grandkids, son's job hunting, learning a few Spanish words, etc.
Look what I found this morning:
Make a designer hospital gown. Check this link, too at Skip to My Lou blog. How neat is that?
Make useful items out of ice cream cartons. Cool!
Look at this precious Memo Board. I am going to work on one of these soon.
Make your own Lick and Stick paper -- homemade stickers.
And then for an inspirational thought for the day, I love checking out Rachel Anne. What an uplifting blog!
I will think on these things as I sit on the lawn mower and cut grass--along with my thoughts and prayers of mission trip to Peru, crafts for children in Peru, parents transition into retirement home, grandkids, son's job hunting, learning a few Spanish words, etc.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Today is a beautiful day outside. Hopefully, it is as cool and nice tomorrow when I cut the yard.

My days in my quilt studio have been far and few between. Lots going on here in the country.
I now have a picture of another tag blanket I made for Josie Clare. Hers has a satin back. Hope the babies will enjoy their tag blankets.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sew Many Ways
Sew Many Ways blog has a great giveaway. Check out her blog. Every Tuesday she gives you a cool, inexpensive tool tip--
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Another WIP Completed
In June my Michigan grandchildren visited, and I began two quick projects (dresses) for them--while they were here in the South. Well, now it is the middle of August, and I am just now finishing my projects. We have had a busy summer. Oh, they wanted purses, too. Then I wanted to make a tag blanket for little Maggie.
I am not much on making dresses since my granddaughters are growing and so far away, but I loved making the little purses. They were too easy. I kind of made it up as I went. Really I was thankful for the request for dresses and purses because they said they were going to go back to Michigan and Mammy (other grandmother) could make them circus outfits. I will gladly let her make the circus outfits.
My daughter-in-law, Jaime, said this dress was really "funky". I think that is a compliment.

I am not much on making dresses since my granddaughters are growing and so far away, but I loved making the little purses. They were too easy. I kind of made it up as I went. Really I was thankful for the request for dresses and purses because they said they were going to go back to Michigan and Mammy (other grandmother) could make them circus outfits. I will gladly let her make the circus outfits.
My daughter-in-law, Jaime, said this dress was really "funky". I think that is a compliment.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
After Surgery
See what can be done while waiting for hubby to have surgery. He is doing great and we are so very thankful. God is so good and we are so blessed. (Oh, I just finished two hexagons at the hospital.)

Sunday, August 2, 2009
My posts have been slim and few between. I have several WIP and have been working on them in what little spare time I have had.
I wanted to post a project that I have begun, and I can work on this when Sonny is watching "Dirtiest Jobs" or when I travel, take parents to doctor visits, . . . take with me tomorrow when my husband has back surgery. He has been in lots of pain and we are hoping for instant relief.
I love the hexagons. My mother asked how long it would take to make a quilt. I am not sure but know all quilts are "one stitch at a time." Anyway, hexagons are cheerful! (I am using the English piecing method. See tutorial at SewManyWays)

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Well, I have been busy the last month and have neglected my blog. This last week Sonny and I went to the Smokies and then to Knoxville to the quilt expo. We had a great, relaxful week.
Here is a picture from our cabin--don't think I need any explanation.
Here is a picture from our cabin--don't think I need any explanation.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
View from My Porch
I am blog-post happy today. I just had to take a picture of my view. I love the blue sky and a little bit of green after such a wonderful rain yesterday.

Honey Bun Cake
Today I needed a quick dish to take to someone's house. This is one of my Mother's favorite desserts because it can be used for a breakfast bread, too. I decided to post a recipe and pictures. Hope you enjoy.
1 yellow cake mix (without pudding)
4 eggs
3/4 cup oil
1/3 cup water
8-oz. carton sour cream
Mix above ingredients together, and pour into a 13 x 9" pan.
1 yellow cake mix (without pudding)
4 eggs
3/4 cup oil
1/3 cup water
8-oz. carton sour cream
Mix above ingredients together, and pour into a 13 x 9" pan.
Mix together 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1 tsp. cinnamon in a small bowl. Sprinkle the brown sugar mix over the cake (pic 1), and take a knife and swirl it over the cake (pic 2), being careful not to touch the bottom of the pan.

Bake at 350° for 30 to 35 minutes.

Last Week's Meals
I have taken some time off this past week to enjoy the week with grandkids, Gabby, Hannah, Andrew, Jacob, and Maggie and sometimes Jase. We enjoyed having the Michigan bunch. They are good eaters so meals were not such a chore, and I also had a plan. For future reference, the temperature was close to 100 degrees each day. We have had rain since they have been here but when they were here, no rain for 30 days.
Lunch -- homemade barbeque pork sandwiches
Dinner -- Fried catfish, potatoes, salad, pound cake
Breakfast -- they really enjoyed a variety of Kellog's small cereal boxes. I had also made bran muffins.
Lunch -- Hot dogs
Dinner -- roast, rice/gravy, green bean casserole, macaroni and cheese, salad, homemade rolls and ice cream dessert (mixture of vanilla ice cream, oreos, and Cool Whip)
Breakfast -- pancakes and bacon
Lunch -- picnic at water park with Kentucky Fried Chicken
Dinner -- Gabby's birthday -- hamburgers and the works, birthday cake.
Breakfast -- cereal again (cereal with sugar is a treat) (I cannot believe I have not fixed this Michigan crew some grits. Oh, well, maybe next visit.)
Lunch -- ham sandwiches and chips -- picnic outside on patio
Dinner -- Chicken spaghetti, corn, peas, rolls, brownies
Lunch -- homemade barbeque pork sandwiches
Dinner -- Fried catfish, potatoes, salad, pound cake
Breakfast -- they really enjoyed a variety of Kellog's small cereal boxes. I had also made bran muffins.
Lunch -- Hot dogs
Dinner -- roast, rice/gravy, green bean casserole, macaroni and cheese, salad, homemade rolls and ice cream dessert (mixture of vanilla ice cream, oreos, and Cool Whip)
Breakfast -- pancakes and bacon
Lunch -- picnic at water park with Kentucky Fried Chicken
Dinner -- Gabby's birthday -- hamburgers and the works, birthday cake.
Breakfast -- cereal again (cereal with sugar is a treat) (I cannot believe I have not fixed this Michigan crew some grits. Oh, well, maybe next visit.)
Lunch -- ham sandwiches and chips -- picnic outside on patio
Dinner -- Chicken spaghetti, corn, peas, rolls, brownies
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Prayer Quilt 6
Here is the latest prayer quilt for a dear lady who has been placed on hospice.
PS -- I have a great camera but always use the picture manager to crop and make smaller--so the final photo does not do the quilt justice. The border on this quilt is a soothing shade of pale yellow.
Just a little information about my choice of fabric and design. First, we receive the material and then select a simple pattern. I receive one charm pack of 20 squares from Keepsake Quilting each month. I do not know what material will be in the package and just use what they send to make a quilt. I must add material for borders, fill in, binding, and backing. There are only two of us completing the quilts. I usually cut and iron and Jeri sews. I finish the quilt with borders, backing, quilting, and binding.

My blog and interests are in quilting, but I have found so many blog friends who are so talented and love working with their hands. I thought I would share this picture with my blog friends. My brother and his wife, David and Marilyn, and his family of 5 children built this home from the ground up with their own hands. This is a picture just days before the wedding. They were still working on the banisters around the porch and steps. My brother is so proud of his real working shutters. The home is beautiful and a wonderful place for a wedding.

Monday, June 22, 2009
Ellen and Ryan's Wedding
We had a wonderful weekend attending the wedding of my niece, Ellen. My brother and his wife, sisters and husbands, my husband, my mother-in-law, my niece and her husband and I had a great time together as we honored the bride and groom with a rehearsal supper. My brother, Oby, and sister-in-law, Shirley, are so talented, and we just did as we were instructed.

Shirley instructed us on how to fold some cute angel napkins. Then she showed us how to decorate the candle stands. If anyone needs to know how to fold an angel napkin, just ask me, because we ended up folding almost 100. The menu consisted of a cold tomato soup followed with a tiny ice cream cone of sorbet. A buffet was set with grilled chicken, baked potatoes, green beans, and rolls. Dessert was banana pudding. We served about 65 seated guests.

The outside wedding on Saturday was so sweet. The bride was glowing. The bride is quite a cook, so she, her mother, sisters and friends fixed the food for the reception complete with a lemonade stand, an ice cream bar, and tables of good food. They even had a children's table complete with all kinds of outside games and toys.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day to all of the guys around me. Sonny is a great father to five sons who are good fathers. We have been blessed with wonderful fathers and grandfathers and father-in-laws who have had a tremendous influence on us. This is our day to reflect on our blessing and thank the greatest Father of all, our heavenly Father.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Today is my birthday and I am so very blessed. My wonderful husband prepared me a delicious dinner. My son cut my yard and I had many Happy Birthday wishes. Here are more of my blessings--the rest of my grandchildren--Gabby, Hannah, Andrew, Jacob, Maggie, Nikolas, and Shannon. Jase and Josie Clare are shown in yesterday's post.

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