My title is "Today is Friday". One of our questions lately is "What day is this?" We get so busy and we do not think about what day it is and suddenly it is Saturday again. God is so good. Ever sung "God is So Good" in Spanish while traveling and playing and worshiping in Peru? Wow! It is amazing!!!!! Speaking of Peru--my friend, Jack Santos from San Ramon, Peru, has been visiting the States. He is a marvelous photographer. He took these two photos of our home.
I have had a few afternoons in my quilt studio. I am working on my Bloom Quilt and have two more rows to go. I also started the Row-by-Row quilt which will also take a few afternoons.
Here is a baby quilt. It finished and delivered. The quilt is for Baby Liam. He is so precious. I always need to get a photo of a quilt on a hay bale.